着作权页: 背景介绍 这段文位元组选自*2003年12月8日在出席纽约美国银行家协会举行的午餐会上发表题为《共同开创中美经贸合作的新局面》的演讲,*在演讲中就发展中美公平贸易和经济合作提出五条原则。 难点解析 1.劳动力成本低:译为“low labor costs”。 2.资金短缺、科技和管理相对落后:“资金短缺”即“缺乏资金”;“科技和管理相对落后”即“缺乏先进的科技和管理技术”,故译为“it is lacking capital funding,sophisticated technology and advanced managerial expertise”。 3.经济总量大:译为“a large economic size”。 4.资本充足:统一为形容词修饰名词的结构,故译为“abundant capital funds”。 5.科技发达:“科技”即“科学和技术”,故译为“advanced science and technology”。 6.在经济全球化的大背景下显得更加突出:“在经济全球化的背景下”即“在经济全球化的过程中”,故译为“...are likely to be standing out in the process of economicglobalization”。其中stand out表示be easily seen above or among others(突出;显出),符合原文。 7.这就是中美贸易能够持续快速发展的客观基础:“持续快速”可译成“sustainedand rapid”,故全句译为“This has provided a solid basis for the sustained and rapidexpansion of China.US trade.”其中solid表示that can be depended on(可靠的;可依赖的)。例如,solid arguments(理由充分的论点)/a man of solid character(性格稳定的人)。 8.会当凌绝顶,一览众山小:诗句的翻译很难做到完全对应,考试时只需将原文的意思译出即可。可译为“I will ascend the mountain’S dominant peak—to have a commanding view all in a sweep”。 参考译文 Being the world's largest developing country, China has a huge market offering plenty of business opportunities and low labor costs, but it is lacking capital funding,sophisticated technology and advanced managerial expertise. On the other hand, the United States,as the world's largest developed country, has a large economic size and abundant capital funds as well as advanced science and technology. But the costs of labor in the US are high. Such differences and complementarity will continue to exist for a long time,and are likely to be standing out in the process of economic globalization. This has provided a sglid basis for the sustained and rapid expansion of China-US trade.Depicting his exhilaration of climbing Mt. Tai, an ancient Chinese poet once wrote, "I will ascend the mountain's dominant peak-to have a commanding view all in a sweep. "